If you want to generate your own power, you are going to need to install solar panels. When it comes to installing solar panels, it is important to know that there are actually different types of solar panels you can install on your home.
Type #1: Solar Shingles
One of the newest options when it comes to adding solar panels to your home is solar shingles. Solar shingles are designed to work in much the same way as asphalt shingles; however, they gather up energy simultaneously.
Solar shingles are just as durable as asphalt singles and will provide your home with the same level of protection from water damage. They are designed to withstand all types of weather. Each individual shingle can produce a small amount of solar energy; with a whole roof of solar shingles, you should be able to generate enough solar energy to heat up your home.
Type #2: Polycrystalline Solar Panels
They are placed on top of whatever roofing material you have in your home with polycrystalline solar panels. Polycrystalline solar panels have been around for a while; they have a recognizable rectangular shape. They are made by pouring silicon into a mold and are easy to manufacture, making them an affordable option. The one downside is that they don't handle extreme heat that well, and they are not the most efficient solar panel option in terms of harvesting energy from the sun.
Type #3: Monocrystalline Solar Panels
Another option is monocrystalline cells. They have a cylindrical shape instead of a rectangular shape. The cylindrical shape helps increase the amount of energy that monocrystalline panels can harvest from the sun. They are also able to gather more power, as they are made from pure silicon.
These solar panels are more expensive than polycrystalline solar panels, though they also last longer.
Type #4: Thin Film Solar Panel
The newest solar panels on the market are thin-film solar panels. They are made using layers of semiconductor materials that are placed on a very thin film, hence the name. They are not as efficient as polycrystalline and monocrystalline solar panels, and they don't last as long. Plus, they require a lot of space.
The significant upside is that they are inexpensive, making installing solar panels more accessible, and they blend in with the roof's material.
If you want to generate your own power, you need to consider what type of solar system works best for your home, budget, and energy needs. For more information about home solar panel system installation, contact a local solar company.